
How dictionaries are implemented in the Python language

This post describes how dictionaries are implemented in the Python language.

This article is actually a repost of originally posted at Laurent Luce’s Blog August 29, 2011 by Laurent Luce. I mentor several students of russian Learn Python courses. They have questions about structures in Python and how to use them. I found this post a good help to me and possibly to my students.

How dictionaries are implemented in the Python language
10 Known Open Source Projects in Iris Recognition 2018

I found this pretty good list of Iris Recognition open-source codes. I am really appreciate work of the first author, thanhkien84. I asked myself, how to improve it? I have decided to add my value.

I have checked all links and found replacements for stale links to projects OSIRIS, UND.

In the year 2003 there was only one iris recognition open source code from Libor Masek. His source code, written in Matlab, has been the baseline for generations of iris recognition coders. Recently there are a number of new open source codes come up. They are more mature and meet state-of-the-art accuracy. I summarise them in a list here for your reference.

10 Known Open Source Projects in Iris Recognition 2018