Lessons Learned by Mentoring Programmers repost.


I got fresh new article from The Simple Programmer blog, Lessons Learned by Mentoring Programmers .

It is a good coincidence, for me it is the right time to get to know about mentoring.

I will take part the learn.python.ru course in Moscow as a new curator for a group of 5-6 students. I am totally new to all this field, teaching programming. I am to help students to get well with Python language, answer questions, check they homework, help to plan they project. That course will be 10 weeks long.

I urge you to read Ryan`s post. It covers the topics:

  1. Get well with mentor imposter syndrome.

  2. Encourage your mentee work because they need it.

  3. If the concept is good not nitpick the form.

  4. Your Way Isn’t Always the Only Way.

  5. You Are Not Wasting Their Time.

  6. Use Questions to Collaborate

Thanks to author Ryan Palo! Please keep on writing and sharing!

Denis Trofimov
Denis Trofimov
Senior Software Developer, Team Lead

Seasoned software developer, worked for start-ups, bank, industries like space and railroads